Wize Time w/ Dr. Z
Join us LIVE time with Dr. Z, 2 hours per month!
1 hr - Office Hours
Questions about fertility, toxins or reversing the biological clock?
Submit your questions to support@clockwize.com before the session.
*This is for general guidance. Dr. Z will not to be reviewing personal labs or making personal specific medical recomendations as she is not your doctor.
1 hr - Group Healing
Experience a group healing as Dr. Z feels into the energy of the participants and what is needed to be cleared, healed, or moved out of the group's field to support the body and mind in order to slow the biological clock and amplify your fertility.
(This is a Clockwize FAVORITE from past participants!)
- 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 5pm PST.
- We start on August 14th!
- Zoom link will be sent out before the meeting.
- Recordings will be emailed out after the session is complete.
- 3 month minimum